
what's bugging me today?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Apple Tablet?

Speculation about a possible table-style computer from Apple consistently fails to recognize the technology that has been the main driver for all of the current generation's electronic toys: DISPLAYS!

Look at what's "in the bushes:" micro-projectors - small enough to fit in a cell phone, thin-flexible OLEDs, auto-stereoscopic panels for 3D viewing without glasses, transparent "see-through" displays, wearable displays... And that consider the potential for very low power screens using technology that is just beginning to appear in electronic book readers.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Prof Gates

If the professor and "leading black intellectual" is as smart as his credentials he would have realized that the cops were trying to do their jobs to protect life & property. They could have helped him with his door problem and probably would have if he had given them a chance.

It annoys me that he would play the victim role because of his race. He's just another citizen, Time to move on.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Do we need another space program?

This is a no-brainer for me: of course we need to continue a program of space exploration. But we also need to make a stronger case to differentiate "research" from "development."

We need to have a constant space research program that will help define the feasibility of specific space-related proposals.

These will emerge over time, as we try to manage issues with over-population, disposal of nuclear waste, and perhaps other projects that could not or should not be carried out on earth.

We need to remember the contributions made by project Apollo to manufacturing and material science, as well as being a token of victory in the "space race."

And we shouldn't forget that we will not remain a major world power if we are skunked by other countries' space programs.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

AARP & junk phone calls

I pay dues to AARP. That gives them the right to count my support in matters where AARP takes a position on behalf of its members. If I don't like their position I will complain to them or drop my membership.

BUT. I do not expect to be asked by AARP to make an individual "call to my congresspeople" to support the same causes that AARP is supporting. They already have my vote. I don't need to be counted twice and I definitely don't need AARP's messages on my answering machine.