
what's bugging me today?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Driving with Cell Phones

Why doesn't this subject go away? If a few people exhibit stupid behavior should we all suffer? Now the Oregon legislature is on the subject. In my opinion you can't make the world safer with rules that attempt to control stupidity... all the rules can do is simplify the process of assigning blame after the fact of an accident. If they are dumb enough to text or talk on their cell phones and hit someone they need to be taken off the road. Otherwise, if they are skillful enough drivers to perform this kind of multi-tasking, leave them (us?) alone.

Instead, why not toughen up licensing requirements to the point where skill matters? Issue licenses at low - intermediate - high skill levels. Include screening for judgement. Teach and test for awareness of other drivers and traffic flow, anticipation of actions by others, communication among drivers including an understanding of a vehicle's "body language," and limitations imposed by different vehicles and driving conditions. Give each driver a medallion or a special license plate to show his/her accomplishment.

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