
what's bugging me today?

Monday, September 21, 2009

This is one of those "thoughts while driving" that seems profound and capable of solving many of the world's problems... at least mine.

The trigger was the FCC statement on internet freedom. I guess my brain matched it up to thoughts about health insurance and various other situations where private industry and "government" are both capable of delivering services.

Here's the thought: I don't want businesses treating me any differently than I want government to treat me. It's isn't an ideological issue for me, it's just a matter of fairness.

No matter who I'm dealing with, I want to be treated fairly. Discrimination is bad. So are cheating and lying. I'm happy to let the market decide issues of product pricing, and features. But I expect the providers to be like people... can you say "corporate citizens?"

There should be a better way to put the liars and cheats out of business that doesn't depend upon arguments about privatizing and nationalizing. And I don't buy an argument that says that an insurance company is a better judge than a Government single payer system of "when to pull the plug."

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